Tag Archives: online course


SoftTech Academy – SALE

We are revenue driven online learning platform having multiple courses on AutoCAD, ReactJS & AI/ML. Our complete platform including Course Contents, Website, YouTube Channel and pages combined in SALE or Acquisition.
Interested one write us at email at info@softtechacademy.net.

Note: This platform is already a revenue driven platform so we dont want un-necessary attention! Thank you!


AutoCAD for Engineers-Online Course: Live at Udemy

AutoCAD for Engineers: From Beginner to Fluent on AutoCAD Skills

$9.99 Coupon Code Link of the Course :

or Click on this Link:  udemy.com/autocad-2d-design-to-3d-modeling/?couponCode=AUTOCAD9.99

This AutoCAD Training consists of sessions from very basic design to complete building design and 3D modeling.

Some important Sessions of the Course are: Advance Commands, Function Keys, Mirror, Lengthen Command, Anotation , Trim, Extend, Construction Line, Revision cloud, Creating and Importing LAS File, Importing and Exporting Design for Print etc.

For any queries: facebook.com/academy.softtech/ or  info@softtechacademy.net